Monday, August 7, 2023 Categories:
Medical Provider All News
Medical Provider Billing
Medical Provider Utilization Review
Agency News

WSI has updated the Medical Bill Appeal (M6) form. The changes aim to simplify completion of the form and offer guidance on what documentation a provider should submit for common reason codes. The below outlines the significant elements.

  • Service not pre-certified (Reason code 80)
    • Medical necessity does not waive a prior authorization requirement, if indicated in the Utilization Review Guide. For example, an MRI performed in the emergency room may be medically necessary but still requires prior authorization. If a provider has questions on whether prior authorization needs to be submitted, contact the Utilization Review department at (701) 328-5990 or (888) 777-5871.
    • To appeal, provide documentation indicating either:
      • The provider was unaware the condition was a work-related injury, e.g., Documentation indicating provider billed the patient or other insurance, or
      • The injured employee’s claim status at the time of service was denied, presumed closed, or not filed.
  • Medical records not received (Reason code 212)
    • To appeal, attach medical notes supporting the charge(s).

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