
Laptop computer in softly lit office displaying the text "myWSI Payroll Reporting - Reporting Frequency Update



WSI will transition from annual to quarterly payroll reporting in early 2024.


Here's what employers need to know about the change: 

Employers will now report payroll every calendar quarter. 

Employers will receive a letter explaining when and how the change will impact their account and payroll reporting periods.


Benefits of Quarterly Payroll Reporting:

  • Ensures an accurate payroll estimate to eliminate unexpected premium costs at the end of the policy period
  • Aligns payroll reporting with other state and federal agencies
  • Allows the employer to review, update, or add rate classes throughout the year
  • Expedites the account renewal process

Employers will need to have a North Dakota Login and permissions to the Payroll Reporting application. If you have a North Dakota Login but do not have permissions to Payroll Reporting, please contact WSI at 800-777-5033.