Sunday, December 1, 2013 - 08:00am Categories:
Medical Provider News Archive

In January 2013, WSI issued a Provider Bulletin detailing criteria for the workability assessment program. Based on provider feedback, the following are new criteria for a workability assessment with dates of service after January 1, 2014.

Workability Assessment Criteria

  • Allowed one assessment every 2 weeks, without prior authorization
  • Scheduled within 2 days of a physician visit to assist providers in determining capabilities
    • Utilized to accurately determine capabilities of the injured worker
    • Warranted only if the injury results in job restrictions
  • Required separate report, identifiable as the workability report, even if the assessment is completed on the same day as other therapy
  • Billed using CPT® code 97750
  • Allowed maximum of 3 units (45 minutes)

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