Agency Overview

Agency Overview

WSI is administered by the Director and consists of three divisions: Administrative Services, Employer Services, and Injury Services.


  • Communication: maintain close relations with the news media and the public they serve, as well as contact with governmental leaders and other stakeholders. It also works to enhance the agency’s internal communications.  

  • Facility Management: operate Century Center, WSI’s home since May 2003. Century Center is also the home for other state agencies.    

  • Finance: monitor, record, and report on all WSI financial activity to ensure WSI resources are used effectively and efficiently and WSI fund solvency is maintained.  

  • Human Resources: administer the personnel functions of WSI and maintain the performance management system of WSI.  

  • Information Services: provide support and services for all computers, and software for all WSI staff.  

  • Internal Audit: plan, direct, and complete internal audits and compliance reviews to ensure WSI departments and major programs are properly functioning and operating in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and Board outcomes.  

  • Legal: provide support services to legal counsel and assistance to the staff of Injury Services, Employer Services, and other administrative departments.  

  • Special Investigations: provide WSI’s Claims, Employer Services, and Medical Services departments with investigation resources for claims adjudication, employer and medical provider noncompliance, and fraud.  

  • Quality Assurance: ensure the continual improvement of WSI operations by statistically tracking performance and identifying areas that need improvement, and new initiatives that would serve to improve the overall efficiency and cost effectiveness of WSI.  

  • Decision Review Office: provide injured employees with a no-cost, dispute resolution alternative to litigation and to reduce the amount of attorney fees paid by the agency.  

  • Policyholder Services: manage employer insurance accounts, develops annual premium rate and classification structures, rates employer loss experience, determines coverage status, and manages extraterritorial agreements with other states.  

  • Safety and Loss Prevention: assist employers with safety and loss prevention program design, implementation, and training; conducts workplace safety inspections; and investigates industrial accidents. The department works with employers to establish their own safety programs and provides opportunities through matching grants to purchase safety interventions to eliminate hazards in the workplace.  

  • Claims: process claims of injured employees. Claims technicians work closely with the claim adjusters to provide clerical support and assistance in the collection of required documentation needed in the processing of claims.  

  • Customer Service: receive and answer incoming calls.  

  • Medical Services & Pharmacy: provide educational and administrative services to the medical community. Functions include bill review and payment; review of medical services and prescriptions for appropriateness; liaison with medical community; and validation of PPI evaluations.  

  • Office Services: provide support services to all of WSI through mail processing, document imaging, claims registration, fax and photocopying services, forms processing, medical and non-medical bill entry, records retention, and off-site storage.  

  • Return-to-Work Services: assist injured employees and employers to coordinate a stay-at-work or a return-to-work plan.

Agency HIstory

Agency HIstory

In 1919, the 16th Legislative Assembly created the Workmen’s Compensation Bureau. Its purpose was to provide “sure and certain relief regardless of questions of fault to the exclusion of every other remedy, proceeding or compensation.” The intent of the law was to provide relief to workers injured while on the job. This relief would be in the form of compensation for lost earnings and payment of medical bills incurred. It was anticipated that the law would help employers by eliminating the risk of damaging lawsuits by injured employees.  

Today, Workforce Safety & Insurance (WSI) remains an exclusive, employer financed, no-fault insurance state fund covering workplace injuries, illnesses, and death. WSI is the sole provider and administrator of the workers’ compensation system in North Dakota. North Dakota is one of four exclusive state funds in the country (the other three are Ohio, Washington, and Wyoming). This means that all employers, must purchase workers’ compensation insurance from the state fund, rather than from private insurance companies. In the other 46 states and the District of Columbia, employers have options to buy workers’ compensation insurance from private insurance companies, competitive state funds, or to self-insure.  
